
Hi!  I am Jamie Johnston welcome to my blog!  I am a 30 year old wife, friend, daughter, furbaby Mom (yes I am that lady), baker, lululemon addict, and cupcake lover.  Over 2 years ago I started my weight loss journey, I am proud to say I have lost over 180lbs (over ½ of me).  I use this blog to reach out to others about weight loss, exercise and my trials and triumphs I encounter along the way.

I am currently training for the Cleveland ½ Marathon and am honored to be an official blogger for the event.  So feel free to hang out, comment, give suggestions, and let’s enjoy our journeys together!  Also if you’d like check me out on my facebook  HERE https://www.facebook.com/JamieJohnstonsJourney





9 thoughts on “About”

  1. Virginia said:

    Hi Jamie,
    Just discovered your blog. Congrats to you on your weight loss. Your blog has inspired me to continue my quest of weight loss. Put on a lot of weight and after reading your blog I know I can do it. Continue to b happy. Vm

  2. Hi Jamie! You are a true inspiration! Best Wishes in you journey!

  3. Hi Jamie. I saw your article on Yahoo a couple of weeks ago and it has inspired me because you are doing everything naturally. Congratulations on your 1/2 marathon. I’m 33, married, one daughter (so far), and have been running on and off i’d say about 5 years now. I can’t seem to get it together when it comes to running and fitness. I always fall off the bandwagon but i feel fantastic every time I run. Thanks for sharing your journey and I hope by watching you achievements it will help me some more. I’d like to follow you on facebook but you seem hard to find. Could you share it with me? Thanks!

  4. I started my WW journey on my own but saw your story and it has inspired me to keep going. 85lbs down in one year. I feel it should be more but am proud of myself none the less. Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s inspiring so many:)

  5. Hello,

    Does your blog review products or do sponsored posts? If so how much
    do you charge?

    Amber Crow
    7204 W 27th St. Suite 220 St. Louis Park MN 55426

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