At this point in the process you have probably signed up for your Cleveland Marathon Event.  You have made the choice!!!!  You are going to go about that 5k, maybe take on the half, maybe you are FULLY crazy.  No matter what the distance congratulations on making your decision.  The Cleveland Marathon experience is amazing!  I have had the joy of running the half marathon (3 times) and the full (1 time).  This year I will be taking on the HALF!!  My focus is SPEED =)  OHHHHHHHHH and I joined team Bright Pink, so I will be doing some fundraising for an amazing organization ( <— feel free to donate =)

So now that you signed up you might be thinking, EKKKKK what to do?!?!  Here are some helpful tips moving forward:

  1. Find a training schedule that fits YOUR lifestyle.  Yes you will be tempted with tons of training plans, folks that claim they can coach you, and well pinterest does have some interesting programs too.  Find something you can make work for you.
  2. Try to follow your training plan the best you can!  Yes life WILL happen!  You may miss a training run or 5…..that is OK, remember you are doing this for fun and to better yourself.  Stay the course and do the best you can do.
  3. Make sure you have support.  The love and support of those around you is key.  This will be so very helpful on the days when you think you just can’t do it.  Use these supporters =)
  4. SHOES!  Don’t get me wrong I love some shoes, especially PINK running shoes BUT not all shoes work for all people.  I highly suggest you head on over to your local running store and get fitted for a pair of running shoes.  If the shoes aren’t in your color, that is OK!  You don’t want to be out there with some cute shoes, limping along….trust me, buy the shoes that work!
  5. Fuel your body!  Make sure you keep things on hand to help with RUNger…yes that is a term.  When you are training, you are needing to fuel you body.  Make sure you keep some good things on hand.  You might be tempted to take down a whole pizza, or indulge in some donuts…hey that’s ok once and awhile, but you will find the better you fuel your body the better you will feel.
  6. Engage with other runners!  The Cleveland Marathon has great ambassadors you can follow…they post some amazing tips…AMBASSADOR LINK, also check out the training pages on Facebook Facebook Page Link.
  7. Trust the process.  Some days will be dang hard and other days you will feel like a unicorn dancing on a rainbow.  Take the good with the bad and KEEP GOING.
  8. Always envision the finish!  When training, thinking about race day, think of yourself crushing that thing.  One main part of training is the mental game (trust me I know), so mentally get yourself ready.  Envision that finish and all your loved ones there cheering for you.
  9. Long Runs = Game Day.  Use your long runs to simulate race day.  This goes for the fuel, what you eat before…during….and after your runs, how you hydrate…..oh and that race gear…wear what you plan on wearing race day.  You need to know what fuel works/agrees with your stomach…also how is that super cute running top going to feel after taking on some serious miles.
  10. Remember your AWESOME!  It takes a lot of guts, strength and amazingness to sign up and train for one of these events.  I’m going to insert the cheese here BUT you truly are lapping EVERYONE on the couch.  You got this!

My training is in full force, here is a look at what my week involve =)

Monday– Speed intervals, 400’s at 6:40 pace…. 8 miles total with warm-up/cool-down

Tuesday– Morning recovery, easy paced miles…..6.5 miles total, Evening- weight lifting

Wednesday– Tempo run at 7:19 pace for 3 miles….. 8 miles total with warm-up/cool-down

Thursday– Morning recovery….. 6.5 miles total, Evening- Nothing (usual weight training but it was my birthday).

Friday– Morning Spin class =)

Saturday– Long run, 10.5 easy paced miles on the treadmill

Sunday– REST DAY, remember your body needs the rest days as much as the days where you are crushing those miles!

Weekly totals

Miles for the week: 39.5

Weight lifting: 70 minutes

Spin class: 60 minutes

I hope you all have a wonderful week and happy miles!  Also be sure to follow me on instagram Instagram Link @cupcakesforPRS .  In honor of my Birthday I am doing tons of giveaways this month…lillbuffprotein cakes, a BOOK written by one of my fellow Cleveland Marathon Ambassadors, AND an entry to ANY CLEVELAND MARATHON EVENT!!



Jamie =)